**你说 人活一生 不是用来讨好别人**
##### You said that people don't live to please others
**却总身不由己 迷醒之间 来回狂奔**
##### But I can't help running back and forth
**突然都已老了 还是放不下 流走的爱恨**
##### All of a sudden, they are old and still can't let go of love and hate
**很多聚聚散散 有始无终 遗憾的剧本**
##### A lot of regretful scripts gathered and scattered
**从此 恍恍惚惚 头也不回地奔向远方**
##### From then on, he ran to the distance without looking back
**有过美好梦想 美好沮丧 美好的绝望**
##### Have a good dream, good depression, good despair
**走了长长一路 磕磕绊绊 你笑着为我鼓掌**
##### After a long trip, you smiled and applauded me
**我却无法撤回 你眼角的泪光**
##### But I can't withdraw the tears from your eyes
##### If I can accompany you to the end
##### If I could carry everything for you
##### If there is happiness left after the end of the world
**我会陪在左右 陪你走到最后**
##### I will accompany you to the end