2023-01-12 05:06:00星期四
**你说 人活一生 不是用来讨好别人** ##### You said that people don't live to please others **却总身不由己 迷醒之间 来回狂奔** ##### But I can't help running back and forth **突然都已老了 还是放不下 流走的爱恨** ##### All of a sudden, they are old and still can't let go of love and hate **很多聚聚散散 有始无终 遗憾的剧本** ##### A lot of regretful scripts gathered and scattered **从此 恍恍惚惚 头也不回地奔向远方** ##### From then on, he ran to the distance without looking back **有过美好梦想 美好沮丧 美好的绝望** ##### Have a good dream, good depression, good despair **走了长长一路 磕磕绊绊 你笑着为我鼓掌** ##### After a long trip, you smiled and applauded me **我却无法撤回 你眼角的泪光** ##### But I can't withdraw the tears from your eyes **如果我可以陪你走到最后** ##### If I can accompany you to the end **如果我可以为你扛起所有** ##### If I could carry everything for you **如果等世尘浮华落幕还有快乐残留** ##### If there is happiness left after the end of the world **我会陪在左右 陪你走到最后** ##### I will accompany you to the end
2023-01-12 05:06:25星期四
**若某天风花雪月似金** ##### If one day the wind, snow and moon are like gold **我倾心只等你回来时贴近** ##### I'm only waiting for you to get close when you come back **俗世间江山雨落无尽放任** ##### In the world, the rivers and mountains fall with endless indulgence **与沧海未尽缘分** ##### Unfinished fate with the sea **愿晚风将我吹吹进你心内** ##### May the evening wind blow me into your heart **晚灯映花正开** ##### The evening light reflects the flowers **月映照伤我心痴情难自禁** ##### The moonlight hurts my heart. I can't help being infatuated **夜半莺歌叹息我孤身** ##### At midnight, warblers sigh that I am alone **愿晚风心里吹吹散我的泪** ##### May the evening wind blow away my tears in my heart
2023-01-12 05:05:11星期四
**推开门 烟火中的红尘** ##### Push the door,the red dust in the fireworks **宣纸上 是故事里的人** ##### The people in the story are on the rice paper **春来看蝶舞 秋去数花落** ##### The butterfly dances in spring and the flowers fall in autumn **冬雪寂寞那么深** ##### Winter snow is so lonely **十一笔 情字终于生成** ##### Eleven love words are finally generated **相思债 却催痛痴心人** ##### Acacia debt is painful for infatuated people **屋檐下的等 远处的萧声** ##### The distant whistling under the eaves **一声声 断肠 勾魂** ##### Heartbroken and evocative